SPM10-2,5-1 - PM10 & PM2,5 and PM1 dust probes

The SPM10-2.5-1 sensor allow to get an indicative measurement of the PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 fine dust present in the air; they are equipped with a laser scattering sensitive element and is available with 4… 20mA outputs. SPM10-2,5-1 is suitable for measurements in various applications: earth moving, cement works, environmental, ...

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SFON - Phonometric probe for noise measurement

The SFON sensors detect an indicative noise measurement to activate any alarms in case of exceeding the warning thresholds; the sensor is available with 4...20mA output and is suitable for measurements in various applications: construction sites, working environments, environmental measurements, ...

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SAir - Air quality sensors

The sensors of the SAir series allow the measurement of some pollutant gases present in the air; they are equipped with a sensitive element that allows to obtain precise measurements in industrial and external environments. They are available with 4… 20mA output and with different measuring ranges to respond in various applications such as industrial, environmental, ...

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ACC-3AX-200 - Triaxial accelerometer bandwidth 200Hz

ACC-3AX-200 triaxial accelerometers are MEMS vibration sensors which work inside 200Hz bandwidth and have ±2g (o ±6g) measurement range. ACC-3AX-200 has 3 stand-alone 4-20mA analog outputs, one for every axis x-y-z, which allow to connect them to the most common acquisition units available in the market. Typical applications: structural monitoring, wind turbines, geology, ...

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