News3 - Exibition "Tutelaspezia" for the hydrogeological instability

01/10/2016 "Tutelaspezia" Exibition (in La Spezia - Liguria) for the hydrogeological instability monitoring 



Geoves participates in TutelaSpezia, the first Italian trade fair that deals with the theme of hydrogeological instability and seismic risk, where it exhibits its measurement instrumentation and monitoring systems used in the following applications:

  • River flood monitoring and warning and exceeding water levels
  • Storm monitoring and alarm (cloudburst)
  • Forest fire monitoring and alarm

At TutelaSpezia, Geoves presented the new intelligent Butterfly sensors, the calibrated rain gauge at a WMO center and the hydro-meteorological and forest fire monitoring and alarm systems. The most important authorities participated in the event including the Civil Protection, Fire Brigade, Arpa Liguria, University of Genoa, Geophysics and Volcanology Observatory, Order of Engineers, Order of Geologists and various Local Authorities.